Christmas Works

I bet a lot of you are wondering what happened to the crossover we posted a video of a few weeks ago? Well its now safely in its final home just outside Euston sat on its very own new bridge! Its been a long few days over Xmas with plenty of challenges to keep our […]

Happy Christmas & a Prosperous New Year

KGJ Price Rail Ltd would Like to wish All of our Staff, Clients & Suppliers a Happy Christmas & a Prosperous New Year for 2023 let’s hope its as successful as 2022 for everyone! 2022 has been a very busy & Challenging year for KGJ Price Rail Ltd Delivering Many Multi Disciplinary Projects Ranging from Track Renewals, Maintenance & […]

2076 Modular Crossover Inspection

Sorry for the like of content the last few weeks, we’ve been busy getting ready for our Christmas works and also busy installing UTX’s, URX’s and SMIO Bases over multiple sites and once you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all! 😜 Anyway todays outing was for our Track CRE Mark Smith inspecting and signing off the modular […]